Tag Archives: Ferrari

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Motorsport Ferrari photographs – F40 with stickers

Even a ferrari F40 can look cool with some motorsport stickers. As all Ferraris come in red (with a few exeptions now) they can all look a bit similiar. This probably has to rate as the fastest car we have featured. It is currently retired from its racing life and spending time relaxing and convalescing in the Beaulie Motor Museum in Hampshire, England.

The beauty of stickers – especially vinyl ones is  that they can be easily peeled off and changed allowing you to completely update the look of your car.

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The $10,000,000 Ferrari California Spyder

A modern California was released earlier this year following in the footsteps of the original. So we thought we’d track down an original California for posterity. This was no easy task, having checked all of our local supermarket carparks to no avail we found one in the corner of a classic car show. Continue reading The $10,000,000 Ferrari California Spyder