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Car with spray painted art with a movie theme.

Pirates of the Caribbean spray art on a car door

A good layer of clear coat will seal in an protect the artwork. You need to be careful choosing a theme as fashions come and go and perhaps the transiatary nature of films will mean it dates rather quickly. (Pirates of the Caribbean is destined to be a classic film series thought so this owner may well have got away with it!)

Just as with most paint jobs the preparation is key but with something this stunning I would be afraid to use the car for fear of scratching or marking it. The art is painstakingly sprayed on by hand and the artist tends to apply the colours in layers from dark to light and then apply high and low lights. A bonnet or door can be spray painted in a few hours but covering a whole car takes substantially longer and you do need to plan it out carefully on paper first.

This stunning work was done by Geoff who is based in Chatham, Kent and for more examples of his work or to contact him see his website click here.

One thought on “Car with spray painted art with a movie theme.

  1. This is my dream! I’m currently priming my car and although it don’t have much room to spray paint on I’m still up for it! It’s coming alone quite well! I just need to know a lot more on what to use and how to do it all properly!

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