This Honda dash has been painted/retrimmed in white. It is a fantastic look and rather than go for the common white dials this owner has a white surround with black dials. There is a definate Zebra colour scheme going on here but we must say it looks absolutely fantastic and is really worth the time and effort. A dash is best removed from the car and carefully prepped and sprayed. The center of the steering wheel can also be removed for painting. There is a cool plastic painting guide on TorqueCars which will give you the basics of this mod.
What dash board it has? good to read.
My car is toyota celica 2002 GT. I want to paint my car dash. How much will be cost?
i have a 1995 mazda 323 bg and im doing it up. i just wanted no if you could use a vinyl dye instead or normal car paint
wouldnt you have a reflection in your window from the white paint?
Which Dash board is this ? I want to fix same type of dash board and stearing in my car .how much cost it will be ? could you help me.